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My debut series: a paranormal reverse harem with seven, sexy demons. Lilith's story is free on Kindle Unlimited and also available in paperback. Click on the covers to check them out.

A Demon's Horns (Vice College For Young Demons: Year One)


“It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been granted a place at Vice College for Young Demons… It is our duty to remind all students that your attendance is government mandated and enforced.”

Vice College for Young Demons; It’s beautiful, elitist and filled to the brim with other demons Lilith’s age. All of them are stuck there waiting for the ten seconds of agony, called the Showing, that will sort them into one of the seven castes. And they’re all praying that they aren’t one of the unlucky few destined to be one of the powerless Unshown.

But when Lilith’s Showing happens, the crystal that appears on her body marks her as a degenerate Lust demon. And the icing on the cake? She grows horns.

Demons don't grow horns. It's supposed to just be a myth. But Lilith has, and in doing so she's caught the eye of some powerful people who want her dead. Fortunately, she's also got the attention of the Strange God, the demonic deity, and he's decided to appoint seven men to protect her...

If she can find them first...

Vice College Map
A Map of Vice College, showing the seven caste towers and gatehouse surrounding the main castle. Also labelled are the hedge maze and practice pit.
Cast of Characters

Warning. This list may contain spoilers. In alphabetical order by first name. Key: P = Pride Demon E = Envy Demon L = Lust Demon GR = Greed Demon S = Sloth Demon GL = Gluttony Demon W = Wrath Demon U = Unshown Aeron Saxon: (L – Aphrodisia) Gifted with Aerokinesis (air manipulation) and Atmokinesis (weather manipulation). Lilith’s mate, son of Aoife Saxon and Kellert Krossian. Alaina Pax: (L – Promiscuity) Mother of Lulu and Nelly. Alicia Pruitt: (S – Tardiness) Elder of the Sloth Caste, Knight of the Order of Shadow. Sister of Calandra Pruitt. Aoife Saxon: (GR – Philomath) Gifted with Veritaskinesis (truth manipulation). Head teacher of Vice College and mother of Aeron Saxon. Arnold Carazor: (S – Indifference) Father of Lilith Carazor. Astoria Braxion: (P – Narcissist) Mother of Lilith Carazor. Babette Ajax: (L – Adultery) Friend of Lilith Carazor. Niece of Reece Ajax, cousin of Morpheus and Vivienne Ajax. Bane Krossian: (GR – Acquisition) Gifted with Terrakinesis (earth manipulation) Phytokinesis (plant manipulation) and Crystallokinesis (crystal manipulation). Commander within the Unshown Resistance, Knight of the Order of Shadow. Lilith’s mate, son of Leonie Karov and Kellert Krossian. Blaze Inferna: (W – Violence) Seer. Gifted with Pyrokinesis (fire manipulation) and Fragokinesis (explosion manipulation). Head of security at Vice, Knight of the Order of Shadow. Lilith’s mate, older brother of Rina Inferna. Calandra Pruitt: (GR - Selfishness) Professor of Etiquette at Vice College. Sister of Alicia Pruitt. Circe Abrosiax: (P – Conceit) Daughter of Constantin Abrosiax. Constantin Abrosiax: (P - Ego) Senior Judge. Father of Circe Abrosiax. Cornelia (Nelly) Drabos: (L – Desire) Friend of Lilith Carazor. Knight of the Order of Shadow. Twin sister of Lucrecia Drabos. Damien Forenix: (P – Perfectionism) Judge in the Demonic Court. Cousin of Constantin Abrosiax. Daron Abraxon: (E – Possession) Gifted with Ferrokinesis (metal manipulation) and Electrokinesis (electricity manipulation). Knight of the Order of Shadow. Lilith’s mate. Dorian McKinnax: (U) Servant at Vice College, Knight of the Order of Shadow. Lulu’s mate. Eloise Prax: (E – Judgement) Senior Judge of the Demonic Court. Enzo Orfo: (GL – Indulgence) Gifted with Corporikinesis (body manipulation) and Umbrakinesis (darkness manipulation). Assassin. Lilith’s mate, son of Ronan Craven and twin brother of Matteo Orfo. Egon Vrosis: (L – Desire) Elder of the Lust Caste. Evan Fraxis: (P – Supremist) Gifted with Telekinesis (object manipulation). Professor of Combat at Transgression College. Ferris Inferna: (GR – Pecunious) Seer, Knight of the Order of Shadow. Father of Blaze Inferna and Rina Inferna. Gale Fintan: (L – Incubus) Gifted with Mnemokinesis (memory manipulation). Tester. Rina’s Mate. Gilly: (U) Servant of Vendra Braxion. Hadrian McKinnax: (GL – Luxury) Professor of Combat at Vice College, Knight of the Order of Shadow. Lulu’s mate. Hannibal Delaroza: (E – Ambition) Head of House Delaroza. Igraine Witherwox: (L – Desire) Bishop of the Church of the Strange God. Spiritual advisor at Barren. Jin Sharax: (S – Slumber) Gifted with Hydrokinesis (water manipulation) and Cryokinesis (ice manipulation). Knight of the Order of Shadow. Lilith’s mate. Kain Zenunim: (Pride – Accomplishment) Gifted with Photokinesis (light manipulation) and Asterokinesis (cosmic manipulation). Knight of the Order of Shadow. Lilith’s mate. Kellert Krossian: (L – Incubus) Knight of the Order of Shadow. Mate of Leonie Karov, father of Aeron Saxon and Bane Krossian. Leonie Karov: (U) Chef, Knight of the Order of Shadow. Mate of Kellert Krossian, mother of Bane Krossian. Lilith Carazor: (L – Succubus) Gifted with Odynokinesis (pain manipulation) and Pathokinesis (emotion manipulation). Chosen of the Strange God. Mate of Aeron Saxon, Bane Krossian, Blaze Inferna, Daron Saxon, Enzo Orfo, Jin Sharax and Kain Zenunim. Daughter of Astoria Braxion and Arnold Carazor, Granddaughter of Vendra Braxion. Lucern Drabos: (L – Aphrodisia) Father of Lulu and Nelly. Lucinda Luxwood: (GR – Selfishness) Gifted with Anthokinesis (flower manipulation). Lucrecia (Lulu) Drabos: (L – Promiscuity) Friend of Lilith Carazor. Knight of the Order of Shadow. Twin sister of Cornelia Drabos. Mate of Dorian and Hadrian McKinnax. Marcus: (GR – Fraudulence) Leader of the Sect. Matteo Orfo: (W – unknown) Gifted with Corporikinesis (body manipulation) and Umbrakinesis (darkness manipulation). Twin brother of Enzo Orfo. Morpheus Ajax: (GR – Pecunious) Gifted with Aurumkinesis (gold manipulation). Son of Reece Ajax, brother of Vivienne Ajax, cousin of Babette Ajax. Nascia Poláková: (E – Resentment) Daughter of Rasz. Rasz Polák: (S – Apathy) Gifted with Mnemokinesis (memory manipulation). Caretaker of the Forteca Ciszy. Father of Nascia Reece Ajax: (GR – Pecunious) Gifted with Aurumkinesis (gold manipulation). Head of House Ajax. Uncle of Babette Ajax. Father of Morpheus and Vivienne Ajax. Rina Inferna: (W – Protector) Seer, Tester and Knight of the Order of Shadow. Younger sister of Blaze Inferna. Ronan Craven: (GL - Masochist) Gifted with Toxikinesis (poison manipulation). Prime of the Assembly, Head of House Craven. Father of Enzo and Matteo Orfo. Ruelle Ixia: (W - Justice) Gifted with Replicakinesis (replication manipulation). Elder of the Wrath Caste, Knight of the Order of Shadow. Ryon Haverax: (L – Promiscuity) Friend of Lilith Carazor. Sarah Vox: (GR – Hoarder) Assassin. Mate to Babette Ajax. Seth Maddox: (P – Hubris) Professor at Vice College, Grand Master of the Order of Shadow. Torin Valec: (U) Head of the Unshown Rebellion. Uncle to Babette, Vivienne and Morpheus Ajax. Triston Fairbax: (L – Promiscuity) Friend of Lilith Carazor. Vendra Braxion: (P - Arrogance) Head of House Braxion. Mother of Astoria Braxion and grandmother of Lilith Carazor. Vivienne Ajax: (L – Succubus) Gifted with Aurumkinesis (gold manipulation). Daughter of Reece Ajax, sister of Morpheus Ajax, cousin of Babette Ajax. Yolandi Asterio: (GL – Squander) Seer who prophesied the last Asterio Prophecy. Deceased.

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